June 13, 2020
namearticle titlepublished timepublished journalsKuenchen FUThe U-shaped Line of China in the South China sea and Its Legal Characterization2013.9.Peng XU,Renyuan LIOn Cross-Strait Cooperation for Environmental Preservation at the South China Sea--An Angle of Rescue and Salvage at the Sea2013.10Advances in Chemical Engineering ⅢKuenchen FUNavigational Security Issues in the Taiwan Strait - Y...
June 13, 2020
nametitles of Bookspublished timePublisherWarwick Gullett,Yubing SHICooperative Maritime Surveillance and Enforcement,Robin Warner and Stuart Kaye (eds.),Routledge Handbook of Maritime Regulation and Enforcement2016.1TJ International Ltd, Padstow, CornwallYubing SHIClimate Change and International Shipping: The Regulatory Framework for the Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emissions 2017.1Brill Nijh...