The Second Lecture of Zhishan Lecture on Humanities and Social Sciences of Xiamen University was Successfully Held

Published: Fri, Nov 1 2019 12:00 AM Views:1897

On November1, 2019,Zhang Haiwen, Director of theChina Institute for Marine Affairs(CIMA), gave a lecture on TheSouth ChinaSeaIssue:InternationalPolitics andInternationalLaw to the teachers and students of our institute in theA102 room oflaw school.

The lecture was hosted by Professor Shi Yubing, Associate Dean of South China Sea Institute of Xiamen University. ProfessorLiGuoan,ViceDean of the law school, introduced the history of “ZhishanLecture” and presented the lecture medal of Xiamen University to director Zhang Haiwen. Students and teachers, from South China Sea Institute and other departments attended the lecture.

In recent years, the South China Sea Issue has been a key issue of common concern to the international community. The lecture mainly consists of three parts: the general situation and security situation of China's surrounding seas, the origin and development of the South China Sea Issue, the South China Sea disputes and related issues of international law.

The whole lecture was rich in content, which combined theory with practice, deepened our understanding of International law and theissue of the South China Sea.