The Cross-strait Conference on Commemorating the 70th Anniversary of the Cairo Declaration

Published: Sat, Sep 28 2013 12:00 AM Views:1847

The Cross-Strait Conference on Commemorating the 70th Anniversary of the Cairo Declaration,sponsored and organized by the Xiamen University South China Sea Institute (XMU-SCSI),was held at Xiamen University on27-28 September 2013. Attending the conference were over 20 experts, professors and scholars from both sides of the Taiwan Straits, who engaged in lively discussions lasting two days on topics such as the history of the Cairo Declaration and its current international influence, the impact of the Cairo Declaration on the Sino-Japanese relation and cross-strait cooperation on safeguarding legal rights, as well as research on international law issues

relevant to the Cairo Declaration.

The opening ceremony on 27 Sept. was addressed, respectively, by Prof. Zhu Yansheng, Deputy Dean of Law School, Xiamen University, and Director Chen Chunyi of the Center for International Legal Studies of

the College of International Affairs of the National Chengchi University of Taiwan. The two professors extended their warm welcome and appreciation to all experts, scholars and professors present. In November 1943, the premiers of China, the United States and the United Kingdom held an Allies Summit Meeting in the capital of Egypt, Cairo. On 1 December 1943, China, the United States and the United Kingdom released the Cairo Declaration simultaneously in Chongqing, Washington and London. While most countries in the world now recognize the existence of the Cairo Declaration and accept its binding force, some countries such as the United States and Japan have resorted to denying the existence and binding force of the Cairo Declaration given the changes of the international situation, in an attempt to scramble for more interest and support in international affairs. From various perspectives and with a comprehensive approach, this conference has proved the existence of the Cairo Declaration and its binding force on the contracting parties.

Experts and scholars from the National Chenchi University of Taiwan, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, National Taiwan University, the Harbin Institute of Technology, Tsinghua University, the China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations, Shanghai OceanUniversity,Singapore Management University, Beijing Normal University, the Shanghai Institute of Foreign Trade, Soochow University, National Quemoy University, the South China University of Technology, the Xiamen Overseas Exchanges Association, Wen Wei Po(Shanghai), as well as South China Sea Institute, Law School and Taiwan Research Institute of Xiamen University attended the conference.

Prof. Kuen-chen Fu, Dean of the Xiamen University South China Sea Institute, Prof. XuChongli, Dean of the Xiamen University Law School and Prof. Chen Chunyi of the National Chengchi University of Taiwan addressed the closing ceremony on behalf of the sponsor and the co-organizer respectively. The conference was successfully concluded.

Quoted in:South China Sea Bulletin