Lecture on “Theory of Modernization and Universal Values” delivered successfully
Published: Sat, Sep 28 2013 12:00 AM Views:1839Prof.Hsiao-PoWang delivered a lecture on “Theory of Modernization and Universal Values-to Rebuild the Subjectivity of the Chinese Cultural Value”. It was sponsored by the Xiamen University South China Sea Institute (XMU-SCSI) and Xiamen University Center for Ocean law and the Chinese South and East Seas was delivered at Xiamen University School of Law on 28 September2013. Prof.Hsiao-PoWang of Taiwan University Department of Philosophy who has published dozens of conference papers and monographs was the lecturer.
Prof. Wang began by putting forward his own view about whether it’s necessary for China to practice universal values and moved on to convey the reason why we were supposed to consider this question “whether it is imperative to rebuild the subjectivity of the Chinese cultural value”. “Because China hasn’t practiced universal values while being the world’s No.2 economy”, he answered. Finally, Prof.Wang presented his view about the question above by analyzing cross-strait cultural history and status quo.
During the lecture, the audience raised a number of thought-provoking questions which Prof. Wang answered patiently, which helped the audience to understand Chinese culture value deeply.
At the end of the lecture, Prof. Kuen-chen Fu presented Prof. Wang with the latest issue ofChina Ocean Law Review.
Editor: HUANG Xiaoyan, ZHANG Xia, LI Linhong