Interim Assessment Panel for “One Hundred Elite Program” make an assessment at Xiamen University

Published: Sat, Dec 21 2013 12:00 AM Views:1842

The Interim Assessment Panel for the second group of “One Hundred Elite Program”conducted by Fujian Province assessed high-level talentsbelonging to the second group of “One Hundred Elite Program” on 20 December2013 at Xiamen University. Prof. Kuen-chen Fu, dean of the South China Sea Institute and professor belonging to “State One Thousand Elite Program” of CCCPC, reported to Interim Assessment Panel on work.And the spectacular scientific achievements and policy submissions gained favorable comment by the Interim Assessment Panel.

After the report-back meeting, the Interim Assessment Panel was invited to visit the office of South China Sea Institute (SCSI). At the same time, Prof. Kuen-chen Fu and Prof. ZHANG Kening introduced the development of SCSI briefly toInterim Assessment Paneland presentedthemChina Ocean Law Reviewpublished by SCSI. The assessment was successfully concluded.

Editor: Zhang Xia, Li Linhong