South China Sea: Challenges and Responses
Published: Tue, Apr 23 2013 12:00 AM Views:1846On the evening of April 22, 2013, Prof. Kuen-chen FU, director of the South China Sea Institute at Xiamen University, gave an English-language lecture entitledSouth China Sea: Challenges and Responses.
Prof. FU began his lecture by giving a brief description of the Chinese U-shaped Line (China's "disputed" territorial claim) in the South China Sea. He then enumerated the questions and challenges typically raised by other relevant parties in the region regarding the legitimacy of China's legal claims in the South China Sea, categorically refuting all of them. Finally, Prof. FU took questions from those attending his lecture.
In short, Dr. Fu's Lecture provided an excellent opportunity for both the laymen and the expert to learn more about the South China Sea dispute.