Prof. Syue-ming Yu Gave a Lecture at SCSI, Xiamen University

Published: Sun, Apr 28 2013 12:00 AM Views:1866

On the afternoon of April 26th, in the A203 classroom of XMU School of Law, Prof. Syue-ming Yu of National Taiwan University College of Law gave a lecture entitledCompleting the EMU: the Cyprus Rescue and the Construction of the Banking Union.

Through an introduction to the evolution of the European Union, Euro and its monetary system; the causes of and solution to the Euro crisis; the causes and consequences of the Cyprus bailout; and the construction of the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU), Prof Syue-ming Yu attempted to explain why the Euro Crisis has not yet found a solution, why Cyprus’sparliamentrejected the first bailout, and the likely outcomes of the second bailout. Prof. YU concluded by arguing that the completion of the EMU is a long-term and not short-term goal, thateconomic regulationmust rely on structural economic reforms taken in concert with the elimination of obstacles to investment, and that the present situation of the Euro Crisis offers a number of important lessons for policy makers and analysts around the world.

In short, Prof. YU’s lecture provided an informative analysis of the EMU and Banking Union for experts and laymen alike.

Editor: YUAN Ying, Tom Friedenbach