Institute for Advanced Legal Studies of Macau University Will Become COLR’s Fifth Partner
Published: Mon, Jun 10 2013 12:00 AM Views:1867China Oceans Law Review, since her initiation in 2005, has been a valuable research platform publishing excellent research results both at home and abroad relating to oceans law, maritime law and oceans policies for the purpose of promoting the development of the marine economy.
In order to promote academic exchange, extend the journal’s international influence and enhance institutional research capabilities, and to boost the concept of “One Greater China”, China Oceans Law Review will start formal cooperation with the Institute for Advanced Legal Studies of Macao University from Volume 2013, Number 1, when our journal will be jointly published by Xiamen University Center for Oceans Policy and Law, Shanghai Jiao Tong University Center for Oceans Law and Policy, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University C. Y. Tung International Centre for Maritime Studies, Sun Yat-sen University (Kaohsiung Taiwan) Institute of Marine Affairs and the Institute for Advanced Legal Studies of Macau University. New members will then join the Academic Committee to further improve the journal’s quality.
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China Oceans Law Review Call For Papers