Lecture Notice: Qiao Congrui-- The New Perspective of the Research on Human rights: A Case of Group Disputes in Contemporary China
Published: Wed, May 17 2017 12:00 AM Views:1939Keynote Speaker: Qiao Congrui
Time: May 25th, 2017 (Thursday) at 15:00
Location: Nan-An-Lou Building, Room 213
Introduction of the Speaker:
Qiao Congrui is now working at the School of Human Rights Research in Netherlands. Since November 2013, she has been the candidate for doctoral candidate in the Dutch university of Utrecht. She was a visiting scholar at the European constitution and human rights center (ECCHR) and the center for rights and justice research (CRJ)of the Chinese university of Hong Kong. She is working on the studies of group disputes in the interdisciplinary research program of Receptor Approach to Human Rights. Recently, she has published “Jurisprudent Shift in China: A Functional Interpretation” in the first issue of the Asian law and economic journal of 2017, and “On Discrepancy and Synergy between China and the International Criminal Court” in the fourth issue of Cambridge Journal of China Studies of 2016. She received a master's degree in human rights law and mass communication from Peking University in 2013 and a bachelor's degree in law and literature from Peking University in 2011.
Sponsor:South China Sea Institut, Xiamen University
Center for Oceans Law and the China Seas, Xiamen University