Lecture Notice: Prof. Gao Lan-- The Status, Characteristics and Impacts of the Sino-Japanese Maritime Disputes in the Perspective of One Belt And One Road

Published: Wed, May 17 2017 12:00 AM Views:1913

Keynote Speaker: Prof. Gao Lan

Time: May 27th, 2017 (Saturday) at 15:00

Location: Nan-An-Lou Building, Room 213

Introduction of the Speaker:

Dr. Gao Lan, Professor and Director of the Center for Marine Strategy at Fudan University, concurrently holds the position of Vice Secretary and Standing Director of Chinese Association for Japanese Studies, Director of Shanghai Association for Japanese Studies, part-time researcher of Center for China Ocean Research, Director of Development of Chinese Marine Association, Director of Shanghai International Relations Institute and so on.

She received a Ph.D. in international relations from Fudan University in 2002, and visited the French Institute of Political Science in Paris in 2007. She was a visiting professor at the university of Japan in 2009 and a visiting professor at Waseda University in Japan in 2014. Also she has been invited to the United States, Japan, France, South Korea and other countries to visit and take part in academic meetings.

She is mainly working on the teaching and research of Japanese foreign intellectual history, Sino-American relations and maritime strategy. She has published four books, The Ideology and Practice of the Modern Japanese China Policy, The Theory Action of“Asianism”And“Alienation from Asia and Integration into Europe”, The Ideology and Practice of the Japanese China Policy, The Dream of China's Ocean Power. She has published more than 60 academic papers in China and Japan. Additionally, she has published international affairs review articles in the People's Daily, the Global Times, Wen wei Po, the Liberation Daily, Lianhe Zaobao, the Oriental Morning Post, the Xinmin Evening News and other medium.

In office, as a principal investigator, she undertook a general subject of a Chinese National Social Science Fund, and a Philosophy and Social Science Fund Project in Shanghai, the post-project level is excellent. While pursuing academic research, she also actively participates in government decision-making consultation, and undertakes the research of China Marine Development Research Institute to study important topics.

Sponsor:South China Sea Institut, Xiamen University

Center for Oceans Law and the China Seas, Xiamen University