The International Workshop “Protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage: Building up the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road”

Published: Thu, Oct 16 2014 12:00 AM Views:1900

The development of the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road, proposed by President Xi of PRC in 2013, has become a long-term policy of Chinese government, which aims at deepening cooperation among States along the Maritime Silk Road in an all-round way. The looting of the underwater archeological sites is a common challenge to all States along the Maritime Silk Road. The cooperation in protection of this heritage of humanity, as an important confidence building measure, should be the first step to take in the process of building the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road.

The International workshop “Protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage: Building up the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road”, to be hosted by South China Sea Institute of Xiamen University and Xiamen municipal government on 9th November, 2014, in Xiamen, China focuses on the divergent issues relating to the preservation of the underwater cultural heritage along the Maritime Silk Road.

The workshop includes the following themes :

(i) the status quo of the Underwater Cultural Heritage in States along the maritime silk road;

(ii) Convention on the protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage and States’ domestic legislations;

(iii) Potential cooperation on the protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage;

(iv) the particular role of Fujian province (China) on the protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage.

Date: 9th November, 2014

Venue: Xiamen University, Xiamen, China

Registration: 8:00am-22:00pm, 8th November, 2014

Contact: Lin Zhen, Zhang Xia

Tel :86-592-2187715

E-mail :,

Room 217, Nanan Building, South China Sea Institute of Xiamen University, Xiamen, China

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