Agenda:Symposium on International Fishery Cooperation

Published: Thu, Nov 7 2013 12:00 AM Views:1862


Symposium on International Fishery Cooperation

The South China Sea Institute, Xiamen University,

Fujian, The P.R. China.


Under the guidance of

The Department of International Cooperation of State Oceanic Administration, The People’s Republic of China

Presented by

Xiamen University

Organized by

South China Sea Institute, Xiamen University

Friday 8 November

9:00 ~ 22:00

Registration for accommodation at International Academic Exchange Center of Xiamen University (Yi Fu Building), Address:422 South Siming Rd., Xiamen City

Tel: 0592-2087988

Saturday 9 November


Attendees are required to Sign in at the Meeting Hall.

Venue: No. 5 Conference Room, Science and Art Center, Xiamen University



Host: Prof. Kuen-Chen Fu,

Dean, South China Sea Institute, Xiamen University

Welcome address by the leader of World Ocean Week Committee

Welcoming Remarks: Dr. Ming-Zhi Zhang,

Director, Department of Social Sciences of Xiamen University

Topic I: Strengthening the International Cooperation and Joint Promotion of Conservation and Exploitation of Fishery Resources

Session Chair

Prof. Zhang Kening(Professor, South China Sea Institute, Director of Center for Oceans Policy and Law, Xiamen University)



1. Prof. Shuo-Lin Huang (Vice-president of Shanghai Ocean University)

Title: Developing Trends in International Law of Fisheries

2. Researcher Yong-Song Qiu (South China Sea Fisheries Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences)

Title: Management of China’s Fishng Activities in the South China Sea

3. Prof. Liu-Xiong Xu (Shanghai Ocean University)

Title: International Cooperation for the Conservation and Sustainable Utilization of Tuna Resources

4. Dr. Jung Hee Cho(Director of Fisheries Resources Research Department, Korea Maritime Institute,Republic of Korea)

Title: International Cooperation for the Sustainable Fishing: - Lessons and Implications from Korea's Case

5. Prof. Shui-Kai Chang ( National Sun Yat-sen University)

Title: Primary Study on the Significance and Methods of Conserving Fishery Resources through International Cooperation

6. Researcher Rong-Zi Liu ( Head, China Institute for Marine Affairs)

Dr. Liu Kun ( China Institute for Marine Affairs)

Title: Analysis of Chinese Policy on International Cooperation cooperat on Marine and Fisheries Resources


Tea Break




Departure for Lunch ( Yi Fu Restaurant)


Lunch at Yi Fu Restaurant


Afternoon Break

Issue II: Promoting the Settlement of Fishery Disputes,

through International Cooperation

Session Chair

Prof. Kuen-Chen Fu

(Dean, South China Sea Institute, Xiamen University)



1. Prof. Huang Feng ( Law School, Beijing Normal University)

Title: Some Thoughts on Collaborative International Fishery Law Enforcement

2. Prof. Huang Yao (Sun Yat-sen University Law School)

Title: New Study on the Fishery Cooperation Route among the Coastal States surrounding the South China Sea ---- A Perspective from Art. 123 of UNCLOS

3. Dr. Young Kil Park(Director, International Marine Affairs and Territorial Research Center, Korea Maritime Institute, Republic of Korea)

Title: Legal Assessment of the IUU Fishing Activities of Foreign Fishing Vessels: a Korean perspective

4. Researcher Xiu-Yun Sun ( China Marine Surveillance Beihai Corps)

Title: Enhancing the Consultation and Communication for a Gradual Promotion of Collaborative Enforcement of Marine Law

5. Adjunct Prof. Xiao-Lin Chu ( Shanghai Ocean University)

Title: Cooperation for Exploitation of Fishery Resources in the South China Sea: Studying the Legal Issues


Tea Break




Closing Speech: Prof. Kuen-Chen Fu


Departure for Closing Banquet ( Da-Fengyuan(Haiyun) )


Dinner(Da FengYuan(HaiYun))

l Other Hon’ble Participants:

1. Mr. Yang Li (Division Chief, Department of Boundary and Oceans Affairs , Ministry of Foreign Affairs, P.R. China.)

2. Mr. Zhu-long Chen (Executive Director, Institute of Marine Affairs and Policy, Taiwan.)

3. Dr. Shi-Ming Gao ( Taiwan Ocean University)

4. Prof. Min-Cai Yu ( Renmin University of China Law School)

5. Researcher Ren-Fei Yang ( Society for Taiwan Studies, Xiamen City)

Organizing Committee Contact:

ZHANG Xia: 15359281958

CHEN Li-Sha: 18059234601

XU Peng: 13259287856