Peng XU

Published: Sat, Jun 13 2020 03:03 PM Views:284

Peng XU 徐鹏

Room 212(1), Nanan Building, Xiamen University

Associate Professor

Tel: 0592-2189587


Areas of Expertise:

Law of the Sea, Marine environment protection and resources management, maritime law enforcement

Educational background:

LL.B., Zhengzhou University

Master degree, Yunnan University of Finance and Economics

Ph.D. (international law), School of Law, Xiamen University


1. XU Peng, On the Principle of Proportionality in Law Enforcement at the Sea [M]. Shanghai Jiao Tong University Press, 2015.

2. XU Peng, XU Lili, The Impact of the South China Sea Arbitration Case on the Taiwan Authorities Claim to the South China Sea [J]. Taiwan Research Journal, 2017(6):24-31.

3. XU Peng, .On Maritime Traffic Management Measures in the Taiwan Strait——In the Perspective of International Law [J]. Taiwan Studies, 2017(2):77-86.