Published: Sat, Jun 13 2020 03:05 PM Views:305

Hui ZHONG 钟慧

Room 214(1), Nanan Building, Xiamen University

Associate Professor

Tel: 0592-2182870


Areas of Expertise:

International Law, Law of the Sea, Cultural Heritage Law

Educational background:

Ph.D. in Law, The University of Queensland, Australia (2012.09-2016.10)

Bachelor of International Economic Law, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies(2008.09-2012.06)

Bachelor of Advanced Translation, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies(2009.09-2012.06)


1. China, Cultural Heritage and International Law,Routledge,2017

2. Can Chinese Individuals Request the Restitution of Chinese Cultural Relics in Japan?: A Revisit under International Law,Journal of East Asia and International Law,Vol.10,2017

3. China’s New Law on Art Auctions,Art Antiquity and Law, Vol. 22,2017

4. South China Sea:Its Importance for Shipping, Trade, Energy and Fisheries,Asia-Pacific Journal of Ocean Law and Policy, Vol.2,2017