Huijuan HAO

Published: Sat, Jun 13 2020 03:06 PM Views:310

Huijuan HAO 郝会娟

Room 212(2), Nanan Building, Xiamen University

Assistant Professor

Areas of Expertise:

Oil pollution compensation, Fishery, Maritime Law

Educational background:

S.J.D. , Korea Maritime and Ocean University

LL.M. , Qingdao University

B.A. , Ocean University of China


1. A Case Study On Duty of Disclosure Under the Chinese Marine Insurance Law and UK Marine Insurance Act of 1916,Chungpa Law Review,Vol.13,2016.7.

2. A Study on Regulation of FinTech Industry in UK and China-Focused on Internet-only bank and P2P Lending,Dankook Law Review,Vol.41,2017.8.

3. Legal Framework of Compensation for Vessel-Source Oil Pollution Damage in China,Chinese Law Review Vol.30,2017.5.

4. South Korea's Cognition and Influence on the Diaoyu Islands Dispute and Its Enlightenment to China,China Review,Vol.251,2018.11.

5. Prospect of Chinas Accession to the 1992 International Convention on the Establishment of an International Fund for Compensation for Oil Pollution Damage, China Oceans Law Review,Vol.2,2019.

6. Analysis and Enlightenment of the Main Disputes in the Korean Courts Judgments of the Hebei Spirt Oil Pollution Incident,Vol.3,2019.

7.A Comparative Study on the Chinese and Korean Legal Systems for Vessel Oil Pollution Damage Compensation, Xiamen University Press,2019.8.