
作者: | 发布时间: 2018-06-06 | 阅读数:

2018年5月10日下午15:00,泰国籍博士研究生Yodsapon Nitiruchirot同学的学位论文答辩会在院213室顺利举办。上海海洋大学教授、博士生导师黄硕琳,武汉大学教授、博士生导师秦天宝,厦门大学教授、博士生导师徐崇利,厦门大学教授、博士生导师陈辉萍,厦门大学教授张克宁等老师作为答辩委员会成员参加了答辩会。

经答辩委员组成员讨论,Yodsapon Nitiruchirot同学的学位论文达到法学博士学位论文水平,顺利通过答辩。

Yodsapon Nitiruchirot同学的学位论文题目为《南(中国)海水下文化遗产保护法律体制》(Legal Framework for Underwater Cultural Heritage Protection in the South China Sea)。文章主要分析论述了南海地区水下文化遗产保护的现状和困境,提出了改善南海水下文化遗产保护的法律途径,并分析了这些举措的优缺点。文章还建议,南海地区国家应缔结区域性协议,以保护水下文化遗产,该倡议可由中国和泰国共同提出并协商制定。Yodsapon Nitiruchirot同学的学习与研究工作对南海水下文化遗产保护有一定理论和现实意义。

The First Foreign Ph.DCandidate of Xiamen University South China Sea Institute Successfully Passed His Dissertation Defense

The dissertation defense meeting of Thai Ph.Dcandidate Yodsapon Nitiruchirot was successfully held inRoom 213 oftheInstitute, onMay 10, 2018,at 3:00 p.m. Prof. HUANG Shuoling from Shanghai Ocean University, Prof. QIN Tianbao from Wuhan University, Prof. XU Chongli from Xiamen University, Prof. CHEN Huiping from Xiamen University, and Prof. ZHANG Kening from Xiamen University, as members of the dissertation committee,attended the defensemeeting.

Members of the defense committee, after discussions and deliberations,agreedunanimously that thedissertation drafted by Mr. Yodsapon Nitiruchirotsatisfied the relevantcriteria ofXiamenUniversityfor Ph.D. dissertation, and hisdefensewas graded“pass”.

The dissertation ofMr.Yodsapon Nitiruchirotis titled “Legal Framework for Underwater Cultural Heritage Protection in the South China Sea.”Itmainly analyzes the current status and predicament of underwater cultural heritage protection in the South China Sea. Based on that, it proposessomelegal ways to improve the protection ofunderwatercultural heritage in the South China Sea, andexplores the advantages and disadvantages ofsuch legal measures. Thedissertation alsosuggests thatthe States bordering the South China Sea conclude regional agreements to protect underwater cultural heritage.Such an initiative could be jointlyraised by China and Thailand. The research work ofMr.Yodsapon Nitiruchirot has certain theoretical and practical significance for the protection ofunderwatercultural heritage in the South China Sea.