发布时间: 2020年04月17日| 阅读数: 1428厦门大学《南海导报》(South China Sea Bulletin)为中英双语刊物,于2013年1月创刊,旨在为南海研究提供信息咨询(Community News Feeder)、提升我国在东南海域的话语权。迄今,已发刊79期,每月通过Email方式寄发全球5000多名海洋专业人员,应为全球咨询最全、最及时的南海信息服务期刊。
《南海导报》由头条新闻(Leading News)、事件(Events)、未来事件(Upcoming Events)、新闻选集(Selected News)、出版物选集(Selected Bibliography)五个部分组成。头条新闻,一般是对当月国内外南海地区最重要的新闻动态进行梳理或点评;事件部分,是对当月发生的重要学术会议、海洋相关活动等进行汇总;未来事件,则是对未来即将召开的学术会议、海洋研究重大动态等作出整理,方便读者了解最新资讯;新闻选集,是对当月发生的南海地区重大新闻(包括各国政府言论、国际法争议、国家利益争端等)进行概况、报道;出版物选集,则是对近期海洋相关出版物作出梳理列举,并注明出版物使用的语言,以满足不同国别读者的需求。
The South China Sea Institute and the Center for Oceans Law and China Seas of Xiamen University (“the Distributer”) distribute online on a monthly basis the South China Sea Bulletin (“the Bulletin”) as a courtesy to those with an academic interest in current ocean policy and law-related events and activities in the regions of the South China Sea, the East China Sea and beyond (“the Readers”). The information presented herein is for information purpose only, and is provided “as is”.
The Bulletin may contain opinions, statements and other information of various information providers. Such opinions, statements and other information do not necessarily represent the views of the Distributer.
The Distributer does not endorse the accuracy or reliability thereof. Reliance upon any such opinion, statement and other information shall be at the Reader’s own risk.
The Bulletin also contains links and references to the third-party web sites that are not under the control of the Distributer. The Distributer is not responsible for the content of any linked site or any link contained in a linked site.
The Distributer provides these links only as a convenience, and the inclusion of a link or reference does not imply the endorsement of the linked site by the Distributer.