发布时间: 2018-05-03 | 阅读数:伊利诺伊大学法学院暑期课程:美国案例法,时间:2018年7月23日-2018年8月3日,学费:800美元
Greetings from Illinois!
We are happy to announce that this year we are offering a discount of $1,000 for partner institutions and students on our summer program, The Best of American Case Law! This 55% discount makes the two-week program only $800. There is no nomination required. Simply have the student fill out this survey (https://survey.law.illinois.edu/TakeSurvey.aspx?SurveyID=l4517l9#) and we will be in contact with a discount registration link. For more information on this exciting summer program, please visit our website:https://law.illinois.edu/academics/courses/the-best-of-american-case-law/.
Best regards,
Margareth Etienne
Associate Dean for Graduate & International Programs
Professor and Nancy Snowden Research Scholar in Law
University of Illinois College of Law
504 East Pennsylvania Avenue
Champaign, IL, 61820
Email: metienne@illinois.edu