
Delegation of XMU-SCSI to Norway Visited Several Research Institutes in Tromsø

September 20, 2013

Xiamen University South China Sea Institute’s Delegation to Norway led by Prof. Kuen-chen Fu, Dean of the Xiamen University South China Sea Institute, visited Several Research Institutes in Tromsø on...

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Prof. Kuen-chen Fu Attended 2013 China Academic Annual Conference on the Law of the Sea

August 29, 2013

2013 China Academic Annual Conference on the Law of the Seaheld on 14-18 August 2013 in Tengchong, Yunnan, China. It mainly focused on the development of the Law of the Sea, the protection of maritime...

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Prof.Kuen-chen Fu Attended The Second International Workshop on Cooperation and Development in SCS

July 20, 2013

The Second International Workshop on Cooperation and Development in South China Sea was held in Beijing on July 19, 2013. Foreign representatives from the Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, the United ...

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Prof.Paolo F.Ricci Gave a Lecture at SCSI, Xiamen University

July 5, 2013

The lecture “Precautionary Principle and Application in Public Decision Making: EU. US Approaches” was sponsored by the South China Sea Institute, Xiamen University, and the Xiamen University Center...

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Xu Ke was invited to attend a round-table discussion

July 5, 2013

A round-table discussion on the South China Sea and the International Law and Convention on the Law of the Sea was held at the National University of Singapore on June 27 and 28 of 2013.Associate Prof...

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Precautionary Principle and Application in Public Decision Making: EU. US Approaches讲座取得圆满成功

June 30, 2013

由厦门大学南海研究院、厦门大学海洋法与中国东南海疆研究中心主办的“Precautionary Principle and Application in Public Decision Making: EU. US Approaches”讲座于2013年6月28日(周五)15:00至17:00在法学院B...

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China Oceans Law Review Indexed by CNKI

June 28, 2013

Following consultation and signing of agreement with China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House,China Oceans Law Reviewhas recently been officially indexed by the China National Knowledge Infr...

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The 3rd South China Sea Conference to be held on 3-4 September 2013

June 11, 2013

This conference aims at identifying current issues in the SCS and the preventative measures that could be adopted to enhance security and avoid accidents in the South China Sea. It will seek to answer...

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Institute for Advanced Legal Studies of Macau University Will Become COLR’s Fifth Partner

June 10, 2013

China Oceans Law Review, since her initiation in 2005, has been a valuable research platform publishing excellent research results both at home and abroad relating to oceans law, maritime law and ocea...

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Lecture on the Development Trend of International Fishery Management

June 1, 2013

On May 30th, 2013, Mr. Peter Ho gave a lecture on the Development Trend of International Fishery Management at SCSI, Xiamen University. This lecture was sponsored by the South China Sea Institute, Xia...

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An Introductory Lecture on Commercial Fishery Cooperation Took Place at SCSI, Xiamen University

May 29, 2013

On May 28th, 2013, an introductory lecture on Commercial Fishery Cooperation, sponsored by the South China Sea Institute, Xiamen University and the Center for Oceans Policy and Law, Xiamen University,...

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A Workshop Held by Prof. Vivian Louis Forbes Took Place at SCSI, Xiamen University

May 19, 2013

On the afternoon of May 19th, an excellent workshop, sponsored by XMU South China Sea Institute, XMU College of Ocean & Earth Sciences, and XMU Coastal and Ocean Management Institute took place. Prof....

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Prof. Kuen-chen Fu Gave a Lecture at the Invitation of the Taiwan Control Yuan

May 16, 2013

On May 15, 2013, at the invitation of the Taiwan Control Yuan, Prof. Kuen-chen Fu, director of the South China Sea Institute at Xiamen University, gave a lecture entitledThe South China Sea Disputes a...

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Prof Kuen-chen Fu Participates in 37th Annual COLP Conference

May 15, 2013

South China Sea Institute of Xiamen University was one of the co-sponsors of the 37th Annual Conference of the Center for Oceans Law and Policy (COLP) on “Global Challenges and Freedom of Navigation”...

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Prof. Syue-ming Yu Gave a Lecture at SCSI, Xiamen University

April 28, 2013

On the afternoon of April 26th, in the A203 classroom of XMU School of Law, Prof. Syue-ming Yu of National Taiwan University College of Law gave a lecture entitledCompleting the EMU: the Cyprus Rescue...

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